Over mij
My name is Sónia, i'm 41 years old and i leave on Belgium around 3 years.
I have , and i brought them with me from Portugal, my two female dogs.
I love animals and i would like to do for the others what most of the time i have difficulties: find someone trustfull to leave my dogs.
Since i'm energetic and Sportive walking with dogs Will be great! Also going at the clients house Will be nice
Dentergem (8720)
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Sónia is nieuw op Ring Twice. Word de eerste die op zijn/haar diensten een beroep doet.
Hoe kan ik jou van dienst zijn?
Oppas bij de petsitterHonden , KattenMy experience is all with my dogs. On my opinion the most important is the passion for what i Will do: work and be with animals and , naturally, treat them good.
Wandelen met de hondMy experience it's only with my dogs, walk with booth of them, take the labrador to swim and catch some Balls. That's it.
HondenverzorgingYou can leave your animals with me, i'm trustful and i Will treat them as mine and as part of my family. All the time respecting the wishes of the owners!
Oppas bij eigenaarHonden , Katten , AndereOthers can have more experience i only have ONLY with my dogs! What i can say is: i have a lot of love to give them , i respect the animals a lot and respect their individuality as well.
HuisbezoekHonden , Katten , AndereI can garantee service last minute, sometimes we have things happen and need to leave our animals Somewhere or with someone we trust! I can be that person, during nights, week, weekend and holidays as well.